Hacktoberfest Mauritius 2018

By Arwin Neil Baichoo in Event

October 13, 2018

Hacktoberfest is an annual month-long event held in the month of October organised by GitHub, DigitalOcean and Twilio Inc. to celebrate and encourage developers to get involved and contribute to open source projects. Yesterday we had our local event in Mauritius organised by MSCC and hosted at Extension Interactive, packed with talks, demos, coding sessions & pizza!

Visit our local Hacktoberfest website to learn more & participate : https://arwinneil.github.io/hacktoberfest-mauritius/

Posted on:
October 13, 2018
1 minute read, 69 words
See Also:
Global AI Night Mauritius
IAU 100 Hours of Astronomy Mauritius
Google Developer Group DevFest Mauritius 2018